2012年1月17日 星期二

5 Things: Five things you need to know for digital signage in the 2012

5 Things: Five things you need to know for digital signage in the new year (2012)

 Digital signage looks set to reach a critical mass in 2012, becoming a commonplace marketing must, not just in large public venues and meeting places but in many smaller arenas as well; from inside hospitals, to replacing backlit static mall directories. In other words, what in 2011 was part tech-gimmick and novelty will become an advertising necessity in 2012.
So as we work to get started on our New Year's resolution lists, here's a much shorter list for you that's far easier to read about, the five things you need to know about digital signage in the coming year:
1. Integration will become more common – Digital signage will expand in coverage – both in number and area screen size. But here are the specifics: With 91 percent of Americans owning at least a feature phone (a non-smartphone), and rising, and the average cost of installing a digital signage system falling 14 percent last year, it's likely those trends will continue. More signs interacting with more people through more mediums is a huge plus for advertisers and agencies looking to switch over to the digital medium. Already some estimates put digital signage's total number at 8.2 billion. That's more than one sign per person in the entire world.
2. Signs will become smarter and more interactive – While digital signs will continue sending consumers location-specific short message service (SMS) texts — the backbone of mobile marketing — the continued rise in smartphone penetration rates, which stands at 27 percent globally and up to 62 percent in some U.S. demographics (and above that in parts of Asia) means far more rich media information can be shared between a digital sign and its smartphone recipient. Technology advances makes promotions, daily deals, flash sales and ads more exciting and engaging. Rather than being a passive reciever of a digital message, consumers in 2012 will increasingly expect to be active participants in a promotion in real time.
3. Measurable metrics will be KEY – Digital signage can't just replace their aluminum forebears because they're sleek, new and cool. Digital signage networks must know their systems are worth the financial effort. ROI is best measured by multiple metrics, for example by trackable by data sent via mobile phone. Soft metrics are no longer enough. Opt-in response rates (to a digital signage-mobile campaign), redemption rates, or even through loyalty polling or surveys, sent digitally, gathering viewer opinions about a particular campaign all help in determining real ROI. Combined, these steps will continue encouraging the all-digital transaction.
4. The future is — almost — here – 2012 will not be the year where a "Back to the Future II"-like 3-D Jaws will jump off digital screens, exciting consumers, but it will be the year the glasses-less immersive technology continues to evolve. 3-D technology will be further aided by larger screens (32-inch and in some cases much larger, like 100 inches), sharper images and brighter pictures. A sharper image will allow for more digital text, and presumably, a more involved message.
5. The Wild West may be over – While there continues to be much fragmentation in the digital signage marketplace, between sign developers, content providers and which mobile platforms, Android, iOS, Research in Motion and Windows 7, to fully endorse, it's likely the industry, as begun in 2011, will benefit from cross-media integration and unification.
So whether you were viewing traditional fireworks on New Year's Eve live in person, on your flatscreen TV or through a digital display, there's no doubt digital signage will figure prominently in the year ahead, for advertisers, brands and the consumers they so desperately want to reach.

Fm: Alex Romanov
iSIGN Media

2012年1月16日 星期一

Samsung Display Windows... Do you want one at your home/office...?

2012年1月11日 星期三

5 Things: Top five considerations for glasses-free 3-D digital signage

Early adopters of digital signage are looking for innovative ways to push the envelope with their deployment as competitors playing catch-up are adopting solutions of their own. Autostereoscopic, "glasses-free" 3-D displays provide a stellar opportunity for companies looking to upgrade and/or refresh their networks, as well as for newcomers that want to stay ahead of the curve and future-proof their digital signage investment with 3-D-ready technology. While glasses-free 3-D displays may have proven successful at providing greater brand awareness for marketers than their 2-D equivalents, they also come with some special considerations in order to achieve their maximum effectiveness. Over the last six years while deploying glasses-free 3-D solutions, I've gathered significant hands-on experience ranging from field-level insight during the install process to producing hundreds of auto-stereo commercials. So today I'd like to share a snapshot of from my "3-D Digital Signage" rulebook so you can get the facts, avoid costly mistakes from the start and embrace 3-D now with real confidence.
1. "Content is King" is quite possibly the most over-used term in the digital signage industry, but when it comes to deploying an autostereoscopic "glasses-free" 3-D installation, nothing is more important to the success of that deployment than having high-quality content. As with any new medium, the tendency is to scrutinize and find the weak point — let's face it, people and industries are predisposed to resist change. The key is not to give anyone a chance to say that, "3-D technology is just not there yet," because it's far from the truth. In a 2-D deployment customers might not notice that you pulled content from low-resolution images or heavily-compressed video on the Web; we've become somewhat desensitized due in part to explosion of highly-compressed home video-quality content on YouTube and mobile devices. But 3-D is brand new, and everyone will be watching, so it's critical to obtain high-quality media assets from the start. What's more, poor content executions will cause eye fatigue and that is simply unacceptable. Make sure that you are working with a certified partner in autostereoscopic content creation and do not cut corners. All 3-D content is not created equal, and this is one of the major reasons that 3-D has been disappointing analysts at the cinema. It is important that content developers specifically understand the dos and the don'ts related to glasses-free 3D before they say "yes" to taking on your next project, and that they use conversion techniques only when and where appropriate.
2. Proven Technology is critical when considering any kind of professional installation. Navigating the market to find the right partners can be difficult when considering 3-D displays since there are many companies claiming to have "the best" technology. To choose the right solution, make sure you're working with a company that has been in the market for at least three years or more. Companies that have survived the financial crisis are less likely to be fly-by-night. Check with your local distributor to see if they have a recommendation for you, because they will have conducted their own due diligence as well. Another steadfast way to make an educated decision is to see what partners and customers are saying about your intended 3-D supplier. Dig for testimonials, check recent press releases, ask the status of live deployments, and if you're still in doubt, find out how you can see the technology with your own eyes — as they say, "Seeing is Believing."
3. Strategic Placement is absolutely key to achieving an optimal 3-D effect and will ensure that your installation is a success. Keep in mind that autostereoscopic 3-D displays typically have a recommended minimum viewing distance and specified viewing area, so it is important to take proper measurements during site inspections to ensure that viewers have a comfortable and quality viewing experience at all times from all angles. One helpful hint is to always place the 3-D monitor perpendicular to traffic flow in order to maximize the 3-D experience. Though some solutions offer wide viewing angle specifications, 3-D content is still best viewed with a direct line of sight to the monitor; therefore, a mount with tilt and pan adjustments will be very helpful as you look to fine tune the overall experience.
4. Remote Networking may not be an initial requirement of your 3-D installation, but when selecting a glasses-free 3-D platform, it is definitely a feature you will want to have available to you at some point in the future. Remote networking allows you to track and update your content at will and with ease. Generally speaking, 3-D content is more bandwidth-heavy than 2-D content. It is important that you choose a 3-D platform that offers a compressed content solution for easy deployment and remote management. Check to make sure that file sizes are approximately 100 to 200 megabytes per minute rather than fully uncompressed, which can be as much as 10 gigabytes per minute. Otherwise, not only will deploying a network be nearly impossible, but the hardware to play such cumbersome files will also be cost prohibitive.
5. Value Proposition is an important factor in any business model but is of particular importance when considering glasses-free 3-D digital signage. This emerging technology is currently reaching customers in a way no other technology can. According to our research, the innovative offering provides an additional venue for exposure, increased brand awareness, exponential brand engagement and heightened brand perception. Glasses-free 3-D is a premium product that requires some technical savvy and is not necessarily the best option for the faint of heart. While some 3-D displays are completely backwards compatible and capable of playing 2-D as well as 3-D content, 3-D signage is by no means a direct replacement for low-cost and now-ubiquitous 2-D digital displays. Nevertheless, it is a perfect fit for those who embrace the new, especially when tailoring it to specific, cutting-edge clients. Any associated higher cost when deploying 3-D can be mitigated by working with a company that offers various purchasing options on both a sale or rental basis. Running a pilot program is also recommended for companies looking to establish ROI before making a major commitment.

Digital Signage Trend - top 10 2012 Trend

Ah, 2011 has come and gone ... but not without leaps and bounds and turmoil among the industry. But, why dwell in the past when in 2012 is going to be an amazing year in so many ways?
Welcome to 2012: This is the year of the converging consumer. The accelerated purchase. This is the year we can buy anything, anytime, anywhere, any screen in any reality, whether I am standing in line, watching TV, walking down the street, in the mall, carrying my tablet or dining. Converging technology is here.
Amalgamation is the mega trend for 2012.
So the question is how will this mega trend affect our industry and the very core of all media, the brand? Let's face it, the brand is back, the brand is the key, the brand is looking for cost efficient, measurable results when they put down their marketing dollar. Why? Technology has accelerated and the consumer with it. Now the brands and agencies are driving new initiatives based on economic trends that will change the traditional media landscape forever. The pebble has hit the water, and the reverberation will be felt for many years to come. We have arrived in 2012.
Hold on to your seats, here are the 2012 predictions:
1. The union of a medium/the golden triangle
Digital signage, placed-based media, DOOH, no matter what you call it, it is a recognized media. Just like any media, one needs three basic things: technology, content and an audience. This very idea will drive bundled solutions in the marketplace. Yes, we need good, reliable technology. Yes, we need good, relevant content. And we also need to understand and analyze the audience to prove our medium. The industry is headed for partnered, consolidated and bundled solutions. Brands and agencies do not have the time to figure it all out. The industry will serve up solutions. Technology-only bundles are not the answer, and authentic, fully-integrated partnerships are needed. A few companies are already providing total solutions through partnerships or mergers, and more will follow.
Look for the bundling of technology, content and audience measurement with new partnerships that drive the new networks in the marketplace.
2. Combination of investment will be at an all-time high
In general there is a lot of cash sitting on the sidelines right now. The investment in the space has increased annually. This year will be no exception. The difference is the investment is not just cash from VCs; it's through large companies pushing the agenda forward as an industry. It is medium businesses that are making investments to improve their bottom line and the customer experience with true ROI. Restaurants (digital menu boards) and hospitality (wayfinding) will continue to invest in digital signage. Telcos will also contribute to the investment in the industry through marketing and pushing cellular digital signage deployments. The investment in the space will be greater than ever before.
Look for major corporations to continue to push into the marketplace with significant investment, and for investment from Investment Bankers, as well as more rollouts based on medium size businesses investing in their business.
3. The merging of technology
Mobile is big. This trend was the number one trend last year and will continue well into the future. The integration of mobile applications and, I would say, tablets is huge. The good news is digital signage is a key activator for mobile engagement in the marketplace. This latent conversation that the brand can have with the consumer has to start somewhere. It is a moment of inspiration that can drive the sale. And when one is in the marketplace, the inspiration and purchase can begin and even end with digital signage. Buy anywhere, anytime, anyplace and in any reality. Mobile is forever part of the engagement. But, this needs to be done with common sense in mind and drive real results to move the industry forward.
Look for new and refined mobile applications that ricochet off DOOH.
4. The alliance of content
Content is King ... forever. And it's not just any content, it's relevant, contextual content that is useful and helpful. Digital signage and DOOH content is an inconvenient truth among agencies and brands. Television is what drives the creation of content in the big picture of advertising. In merchandising it's print. The problem is the creative is built with a single focus in mind. It is all about TV, and then down the road it's, "Oh, yes, let's convert that to a DOOH ad...Uh...No, that won't work."
But, this reality is like a merry-go-round that never stops. When this happens over and over and it's not working, most would call that insanity. So with the acceleration of technology that supports five technological independent screens in the marketplace, the creation of content has to fundamentally change for the entire digital media landscape. Standards for content are not a simple answer. Fundamentally, we have three types of networks: point of wait (all about dwell time); point of sale (all about the shopper); point of transit (all about people on the go). Each network needs a re-work of the content to meet the needs of the consumer's frame of mind. As a brand, this is challenging. So start at the beginning of the creative process to accommodate all platforms, movies, TV, PC/tablet, mobile and including DOOH.
Look for a shift in the way in which content and brands interact with agencies to tackle this new digital world that we are coming to grips with, and in how we create the media to support the digital landscape.
5. The pairing of analytics and measurement
Although we touched on it earlier, part of the golden triangle merits special attention: AVA (anonymous video analytics) is here, and real world applications are fast becoming a trend. To detect who is actually watching the message on the screen and for how long is a reality that many networks fear. They fear the real verification of their network may not live up to their expectations. The truth is, the verification drives amazing changes that makes the network more valuable. These are changes that one would never contemplate without real data to back it up. Arbitron, Nielsen and People Count know this stuff inside out. But when you are getting real-time data streaming in, what is missing is the analysis of the data. The AVA data can be overwhelming and needs to be put into perspective.
As predicted also in 2011, if you own a network or you are putting in a network, AVA will give you valuable data. Look for more and more responsible deployments based on real AVA data and services to provide the analysis.
(And, unfortunately, due to space considerations, we have to cut it off there for now. Check back in this space early next week for part two of Keith Kelsen's picks for the top 10 trends of 2012. - ed.)

Amalgamation is the mega trend for 2012.
So the question is how will this mega trend affect our industry and the very core of all media, the brand? Let's face it, the brand is back, the brand is the key, the brand is looking for cost efficient, measurable results when they put down their marketing dollar. Why? Technology has accelerated and the consumer with it. Now the brands and agencies are driving new initiatives based on economic trends that will change the traditional media landscape forever. The pebble has hit the water, and the reverberation will be felt for many years to come. We have arrived in 2012.
You can see my picks for 2011 trends to see how I did at prognostication last year, and at the end of this trends piece you can vote on the one you think will be the #1 trend in 2011.
Hold on to your seats, here are the "final five" 2012 predictions:
6. The merger of technology software companies
The year 2012 is the year for a shake out of software companies: Who will merge, who will be sold, and who will disappear? With 350 software companies in the world, only a few will survive the next wave. ISVs that are funded by investment have been stalling, and the smaller they are, unfortunately, will not be able to maintain. So consolidation based on customers not technology may be in order this year. Buy the customer base and eventually replace the technology with one system.
Look for purchases, consolidation and a failure of ISVs this year.
7. The fusion of media social
Digital Signage is part of the whole. The whole involves our social lives. How a consumer shares, adopts and promotes a brand is based on the experience each consumer has with that brand. Retailers in particular are still looking for ways to enhance the experience for their customers. What better way to drive more sales by providing a social platform that can help drive sales? And I am not talking about the "like me" button. Digital signage helps drive that experience and engagement. Fusing the DOOH with social aspects of brand promotion can be promoted through the use of natural social interactions in the marketplace. DOOH is one of those interactions, and companies that track the social integration of the consumer's life are going to bat 1,000. This might be sports, back to school, summer or a holiday. By integrating the reality of what's going on in the consumers' lives to the screen will help drive sales. The context of social can be seen as a new wave in creating value for the brand and for the consumer. But one must embrace social as part of a total big picture of the experience.
Look for social integration of one's life onto the DOOH screen with interactive and engaging solutions that are meaningful and helpful to the consumer and the brand alike.
8. The incorporation of virtuality
Yes, virtuality. This can be augmented reality, mirrored reality or warped reality. This is a new trend we saw begin to rise in the DOOH space in 2010. Clarified by Joseph Pine II in his new book "Infinite Possibility," he points out the different realities in our digital frontier. There are number of areas where this will improve the customer experience. InWindow OutDoor is doing quite a lot in this area successfully. Augmented Reality is the most popular method of improving the experience. This is where I can add virtual environment or virtual characters to a live scene that "augments" the experience. Agencies love this stuff, and it works.
Look for even more deployments that use this technology to drive the brand experience.
9. Infusion of more ad spend in the DOOH networks
Bookings for established ad networks are up in the beginning of this year. I expect to see this trend continue, and for established networks to take advantage of political ad money that will be pouring in the marketplace later this year. This will help sustain the uptick in the fourth quarter. One can also speculate that better built content will also be available to be placed on these networks. In addition, a big push will continue to be in healthcare, with some government and health agencies looking to capitalize on ad networks revenue to help contribute to the bottom line.
Look for higher returns and growth in the ad spend from brands on DOOH in 2012.
10. We will have integrated 2.5 million screens/players in North America, 4.8 million screens/players worldwide in 2012.
At the End of 2011, we are somewhere around 1.3 million screens in North America and 3.5 million globally. With the investment from companies and serious rollout plans on the way, I believe we will hit the 2.5 million screen/player mark this year in North America and 4.8 million worldwide. This does not include refresh of current networks. So here is to that one special installer, that will be somewhere in the world hanging up a screen mid-year and that will mark the historic 4 millionth screen/player for our industry. Will it be you? Congratulations to us all!
Look for that 4 millionth screen coming to a venue near you.

Analysts project a 23-percent growth in digital signage spending this year... some providers will struggle while others exceed this industry average. Yet others will enjoy triple-digit growth building on a solid base of previous planning and contacts, or by hitting that "home run."
All who succeed in 2012 in digital signage supply or use will have several behaviors in common.
Winners in 2012 will have current knowledge of the medium. The "5W's" of digital signage will be always on their mind and their constant pursuit.
The "5W's" include knowing "who" can benefit, "what" different kinds of messages should be presented, "where" and "when" specific content should be delivered, and "why" digital signage should be used to meet marketing and communications goals.

The way in which digital signage is used has been evolving quickly and its improved use of content, dayparting, audience targeting and analytics mean that professionals will and should be constantly looking for best practices and innovation.
Successful professionals will attend major industry conferences and trade shows to get an update and capture the latest "5W's", while publications, seminars and webinars will continually add to this critical knowledge base. Organizations that send representatives to educational functions will expect briefings and summaries to be provided to other team members to more quickly integrate the best approaches.
The value provided by digital signage will continue to drive investment in it. Through illustrating how high return on investment (ROI) is provided and how digital signage serves as a more cost-effective communications alternative, projects will be funded, proceed, succeed and expand.
Structures for planning will guide the success of professionals and the advancement of projects. Ad hoc approaches do not provide a suitable basis of planning, project communications and sustainable success.
A proven 1-2-3 approach includes first clarifying and refining communications and business objectives, then defining the "content" that will be required to achieve these goals, and, finally, providing the technology infrastructure to support message delivery and the most efficient network operations.
Given the past investment in digital signage — about 1.4 million displays are currently operational in North America according to DisplaySearch — success in 2012 will be based on refining network operations to maximize benefits and ROI leading to further investment.
Digital signage has achieved a proven track record of value, critical mass of deployment and good supply approaches. It has achieved the approval of audiences and has found its way into the communications continuum.
2012 will be another successful year of industry growth, benefiting supply and end user professionals who use best practices, discipline and their energies well.
Lyle Bunn is a dynamic media industry analyst, advisor and educator. The past 10 years of his 35-year career have focused on digital signage and enterprise media. Contact him at Lyle@LyleBunn.com.

2012年1月9日 星期一

Marvel Digital Smart TV Enabler (Google TV STB)

Marvel Digital Smart TV Enabler (Google TV STB)

作為一個港劇迷,當然不會放過聖誕假期這個美好的休閒時光來盡情的享受港劇聖誕大餐,但是在網路上尋找影視劇真是一件令人頭疼的事,前幾天想找一部曾經看過又念念不忘的港劇來重溫經典,找了半天找不到,辛苦的找到了下載後又播放不了,需要裝這個插件那個控制項才能播放;用播放器播放呢有時需要處理工作上的事情沒有辦法一次看完,下次觀看時卻發現影片只能倍數快進,不能用拖動條精准控制,所以只能從頭再看。而線上視頻網站的資源有限,又受地獄網速的限制,播放十分不暢,非常的倒胃口。一直夢想能擁有一款能免費線上隨心所欲的觀看影視劇的機頂盒,週末和朋友逛街時看到一款顏色十分靚麗,外形十分討喜的STE,喜慶的紅色機身十分應景,可以為家中增添了節日的喜慶氣氛,但是作為一個實用主義者,外型不是最打動我的,最令我心動的是,此款機器的強大娛樂功能配置可以滿足我的所有日常娛樂需求,所以毫不猶豫買了一款作為自己的聖誕禮物,帶到家中體驗了幾天發現此款STE功能配置真非常強大,現在它已經成為了我的最愛。套用一句廣告詞來形容:現在片源不是問題,高清不是問題,時間不是問題,享受從此開始!這麼好的東西獨自享受不如大家一起分享,下面的圖片就是此款STE的靚麗外形. 中國紅的機身搭配黑色的邊框,非常的高貴時尚,外觀可以說與傳統厚重的高清機風格大相徑庭,顯得相當時尚輕巧,便攜。圓角設計使整體線條流暢細緻,高密度的散熱孔實現了完全無噪音散熱,擺在家中十分的安靜並且可以很好地搭配其他的家居用品,時尚又實用!
















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